The basics


You must have an active subscription in order to call an API on Open DIPS. You can find your subscription key on your profile page. The subscription key is personal, so make sure you do not share it with others. You must provide the subscription key as an HTTP header (dips-subscription-key) for requests to any Open DIPS API.

The Open DIPS API's use a federated identity provider to authenticate requests. The DIPS Federation Service is an Open ID Connect Provider, meaning that you can use any OpenID Connect library to communicate with it.

To call an API you must first obtain a token from DIPS Federation Service. Once you have obtained the token, you can try the following command which calls the FHIR Patient API using cURL:

    -H "dips-subscription-key: 0dd9 ... 0093"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ..."
    -X GET

All requests must be performed using HTTPS since plain HTTP requests will fail. See errors for how to interpret errors when calling the API's.

Creating authentication clients

For partners, creating authentication clients can be done through through the Applications Tab, and is further explained here.

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DIPS ASPostboks 1435, 8037 BodøTlf: +47 75 59 20 00open@dips.no20250212.6