Federation service

DIPS Federation Service

To get data from DIPS, your need to authenticate yourself. To log in a user, you can use the DIPS Federation Service. The DIPS Federation Service is an Open ID Connect Provider, meaning that you can use any OpenID Connect library to communicate with it.

Obtain an access token

The following information can be used to obtain access tokens from the Federation Service:

Open ID Connect optionValue
Grant typeAuthorization Code or Client credentials
Authentication URLhttps://api.dips.no/dips.oauth/connect/authorize
Token URLhttps://api.dips.no/dips.oauth/connect/token
Client IDpostman
Client Secretpostman
Scopeopenid offline_access dips-fhir

When authorizing you will have to provice a username and password. This is the login to DIPS Arena, where you can use opendips as the username and open1234 as the password. If you have to provide a userrole, you can use Full funksjonstilgang og VID datatilgang.

If you are using Postman you can check out the postman page.

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DIPS ASPostboks 1435, 8037 BodøTlf: +47 75 59 20 00open@dips.no20250212.6